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Vaastushastra for Businesses

The ancient principals of Vaastushastra are deep, practical and scientific. They are as much applicable today as they were thousands of years ago. These principals are equally applicable to commercial establishments as much as residences. Vastushashtra identifies zones of space-energy according to directions based on the Sun's path. Each zone of space-energy is governed by a ruling planet that lends it's attributes to that particular zone. This knowledge must be used to reap maximum benefits out of the space being utilized. Since the use of space is different in a residence and different in a business setting, some zones gain prominence in a residence but not so in a business facility and vice versa. Broadly the following can be said for businesses, though individual analysis is required for an office vs. hospital and so on.  NE (Ishanya): This zone is ruled by Jupiter. It facilitates meditation, spiritual progress and imbibes the quality of equanimity. These quali...

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