Vaastushastra for Businesses
The ancient principals of Vaastushastra
are deep, practical and scientific. They are as much applicable today
as they were thousands of years ago. These principals are equally
applicable to commercial establishments as much as residences.
Vastushashtra identifies zones of
space-energy according to directions based on the Sun's path. Each
zone of space-energy is governed by a ruling planet that lends it's
attributes to that particular zone. This knowledge must be used to
reap maximum benefits out of the space being utilized. Since the use
of space is different in a residence and different in a business
setting, some zones gain prominence in a residence but not so in a
business facility and vice versa. Broadly the following can be said
for businesses, though individual analysis is required for an office
vs. hospital and so on.
NE (Ishanya): This zone is ruled by
Jupiter. It facilitates meditation, spiritual progress and imbibes
the quality of equanimity. These qualities though valuable in a
residence may not be beneficial from business point of view
especially if it a commercial establishment. The most important
decision making people within an organization should therefore never
be in this zone as there will be a lack of leadership and wasted
efforts. This is inherently a weak zone for businesses. It is best
suited for entrances, reception areas, visitors seating etc. This
zone is also perfect for quiet contemplation.
SE (Agneya): This zone is ruled by
Venus and is the zone of precision, creative endeavor and focused
work. This is a good zone for the accounting department or for
general staff of the organization. In a hospital this zone is
excellent for minute surgical procedures. This is also a good
location for machine rooms, equipment, heaters, boilers etc. For
schools and libraries this zone is excellent for labs, practicing
precision skills of music and dance. People of literary orientation
will create stories with flair from this zone.
SW (Nairutya): This zone is ruled by
Uranus (Rahu as per ancient Indian astrologers) and is responsible
for financial stability, vision and overall progress of the
organization. This is perhaps the most important zone in today's
corporate culture. The best position for the head of the company or
for anyone making important decisions within the organization should
always be SW. This zone is responsible for dynamic long term planning
and implementation. A person occupying this corner will always have
his/her say within the organization no matter what and others must
yield. This is also a good location for lockers.
NW (Vayawya): This zone is ruled by
Moon and is responsible for new and almost eccentric ideas. This
however is only a zone of ideas and not productivity. The head of an
organization occupying this zone will be full of ideas, but without a
direction of implementing them. Therefore it is best suitable for
conference rooms and marketing department where creative solutions
can be thought out for productivity of the business. For a
manufacturing facility the ready products should be stocked here so
that they move out quickly since the Air element resides here and
lends mobility to this zone.